Monday, July 26, 2010

3 weeks

Eli turned 3 weeks yesterday.  I can't believe it!  It's been the fastest, craziest, slowest, wonderfulest and tiredest 3 weeks ever.  Eli's getting heavier and his little legs and face are filling out.  His hands are as big as ever :)  He already eats 4 oz pretty regularly and sometimes he even needs 1 more oz an hour or so later just to top off the tank before falling asleep.

He had his first blowout yesterday--I still refuse to complain about poopy diapers.  This time it was easy because Mike changed him!  I was fixing dinner and he was hungry, so the trade off was worth it to both of us.  In his list of "supplies" was the entire garbage can.  He didn't even bother rolling the diaper up, just flung it in the garbage and took the whole garbage liner (practically empty except for the dirty diaper) out to the garbage.  He was disgusted the whole time and let us all know it.  It was hilarious!

We made it to sacrament meeting on Sunday, but he was kind of gassy which made him cranky (I would be, too) so we came home afterwards so he could sleep.  It was nice to get out and visit with friends.  Everyone always makes such a fuss about him, I love it!  Hopefully next week we can go again:)  I can't believe he'll be 4 weeks old by then.  Wow!

Here are a few pictures celebrating Eli's first 3 weeks of life:

Our first family photo:  This was taken at the Logan agency on the day of placement.

What a handsome little man!

It seems like he has always had good long moments when he is VERY awake.

Daddy and Eli both love daddy time:)

Just a few of his many faces and personalities.  We love all of them:)


  1. I can't wait to see him again! Love you guys!

  2. Keralyn
    I'm so excited for you. I didn't realize you had a new baby! What an awesome story. I've been worried about you ever since I saw your job posted. There couldn't be a better reason to stay home! May I stop by and meet Eli sometime and bring you a little gift? I'm going to miss you.
